Football Artwork
Scottish Clubs
The collection of drawings in this section celebrate all that is diverse and interesting about Scottish Football.
A lot of the work featured was a result of laying down ideas with the intention of using them for various projects and just basically trying out a new approach.
I think I had the ambition to use these for various book ideas aimed for the supporters of that particular club and it is still my objective to use them in the future.
The Old Firm of Celtic and Rangers tend to dominate a lot of the headlines within the game in Scotland but I think it's also important to shine a light on the other clubs that have such a rich history.< New text box >>
English Clubs
There's no denying the fact that the game in England in recent years has reached astronomical heights within world football.
The English Premiership is arguably the most exciting and watched league in the world just now and rightly so but it wasn't always the case.
This section has a mixture of old and new,most of the faces are familiar and the current selection of artwork is always evolving.>>